John Mayer All Quiet On The Twitter Front — Holly Robinson Peete, Playboy Interviewer Weigh In

Are John Mayer’s Twitter days over?

The star hasn’t posted on the social networking site since Wednesday, when his controversial Playboy interview – in which he used racial and anti-gay slurs – hit the Internet.

“I wanted to be a blues guitar player. And a singer. And a songwriter. Not a shock jock. I don’t have the stomach for it,” he Tweeted on Wednesday after apologizing for his use of “the ‘N word.’” “I just wanted to play the guitar for people.”

Though Mayer made another apology on stage earlier this week, some stars have yet to forgive the singer — including one star who Mayer mentioned in his rant.

“I was disgusted and offended,” Holly Robinson Peete, whom Mayer mentioned in the interview while discussing why he didn’t date black women, told People. “[It’s] time for him to really just drop the frat boy act [and] take responsibility for these hurtful comments.”

The actress initially told E! she was flattered by Mayer calling her “gorgeous” – until reading the rest of the interview.

“I foolishly and impulsively commented [to E!] on a sound bite from an interview that was sent to me by a girlfriend and I didn’t know the context at all,” she told People. “Clearly, after I understood how John Mayer’s comments were bookended by racial insensitivities and this racially charged, rambling diatribe that denigrated black women, it became a whole other animal.”

And the actress said the singer reached out to her – but it wasn’t enough.

“He reached out to me via email. … He did not apologize for his comments,” she said. “At this point, it doesn’t feel right for me to totally accept his apology.”

However, in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Rob Tannenbaum, the writer who conducted the Playboy interview, told the newspaper that Mayer’s words should be considered in context.

“The dominant version of this story is the reductive one being passed on Twitter, which focuses on about five of the story’s 6,870 words,” Tannenbaum said. “The [140 character] version of the interview was, ‘John Mayer used the N word.’ …When a white person uses that word, any words that precede it or follow it are going to be overshadowed. As for his David Duke comment, Mayer was pondering the discrepancy between his dating history, which has been exclusively white, and the attraction he feels for women of different races. He wasn’t embracing Duke, or racism; he was noticing a dating pattern that, among white guys, isn’t at all unusual.

“I think it may pass because many people who’ve read the full Playboy interview subsequently say they understand the point Mayer was attempting to make, even as they abhor his choice of words,” he added.

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