From this year’s “Life of Pi” to the Oscar-winning “Slumdog Millionaire,” films about Indian culture are scoring major accolades in Hollywood.
Indian-born beauties like Freida Pinto and Padma Lakshmi are also crossing over and considered some of the most gorgeous ladies on the red carpet.
Now, the fitness world is getting ready to shout out “balle balle!”
One of the latest crazes is Masala Bhangra, which is a high intensity dance cardio exercise that is based on the traditional Indian dance.
“The Masala Bhangra workout is an exercise dance routine that modernizes the high-energy folk dance of Bhangra and the exhilaration of Bollywood (Hindi film) moves. This unique dance mixes cardiovascular with fun, and is suitable for participants of all ages and fitness,” Sarina Jain, who created the exercise program., revealed.
Sarina’s one-hour class, which she teaches in New York City, can burn up to 700 calories. Plus, it’s a full-body workout.
“Masala Bhangra provides overall toning, body conditioning and can build endurance, stamina and balance,” Sarina added to Healthy Hollywood.
Most of us won’t be able to jet off to New York City to take class with Sarina, but she shared with Healthy Hollywood a few of her students’ favorite moves.
1. Bhangra Love:
Begin standing upright and facing forward. Step forward with right leg and left arm out. Step forward with the right leg with left arm out. As your legs step forward, your arms are out in front of you and you’re moving your shoulders down [to beat of drum if you have Indian music to give workout authentic flavor].
2. Bhangra Groove:
Legs are out a little wider than shoulder width apart. Right shoulder is the leading the entire body to move in any direction. Use the pelvic muscles to move up as you pop the right shoulder forward.
3. Bollywood Kick:
Draw the right leg behind the left leg, then swing the right leg forward in front of the left leg. Repeat. Arms are down and motioning to the left when right leg is back and arms are up, motioning to the left when right leg is in front.
If you would like to try this Indian-inspired workout, check out Sarina’s DVD’s at www.masaladance.com.
— Terri MacLeod
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